A Touch of Love May Teasers 2022


A Touch of Love May Teasers 2022

Shraddha plans Thapki’s murder, Read A Touch of Love May Teasers 2022.

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Monday 2 May 2022

 episode 272

Thapki decides to divorce Bihaan. However, Bihaan requests Thapki to given another chance to their relationship. Later, to everyone’s surprise Thapki comes back home and tells everyone that she has changed her mind and decided not to divorce Bihaan.

episode 273

Shraddha is sceptical about Thapki’s return, however Vasundhara makes it clear that Thapki has returned for Bihaan and hence she need not worry for Dhruv. Later, Thapki confesses to herself about lying to everyone about her commitment to Bihaan.

Tuesday 3  May 2022

 episode 274

Thapki meets the mystery girl who had earlier attempted to ruin her and Dhruv’s wedding. Thapki inquires for whom the mystery girl was working and tries to figure out the truth. Meanwhile, Vasundhara is tracking Thapki’s movements.

episode 275

Vasundhara tells Monica to find the bottle, but she fails to take possession of it. Thapki finds the bottle but Vasundhara destroys it by burning the entire cupboard. Meanwhile, Diwakar is teased by his wife, Aditi.

Wednesday 4  May  2022

 episode 276

Vasundhara sparks a fire in Thapki’s cupboard to destroy the evidence of her involvement in Thapki and Bihaan’s marriage. However, Thapki manages to get her wedding video from her sister and identifies Vasundhara as the true culprit.

episode 277

Thapki is adamant in her desire to find the person responsible for the golden bangle. During breakfast, Thapki is puzzled to see everyone wearing the golden bangle. Also, Shraddha learns that Thapki did not return home for Bihaan.

Thursday 5  May 2022

 episode 278

Thapki’s long quest to find the person behind her break up is resolved. She is shocked to learn that Vasundhara wanted to separate her from Dhruv just because she stammers. Meanwhile, Shraddha wants to reveal the truth of Thapki’s return.

episode 279

Vasundhara is tricked into revealing that she was responsible for Thapki’s marriage. Thapki confronts Vasundhara, reminding her that she shouldn’t blindly trust Shraddha.

Friday 6  May  2022

episode 280

Thapki challenges Vasundhara to test her. Bihaan too is excited for completing a 100 days of marriage with Thapki, but Sharddha’s revelation destroys it all. Later, Bihaan is devastated by Thapki’s truth and pledges to make her life hell.

 episode 281

Vasundhara informs Thapki and Sharddha about assessing them to chose the better daughter in law among them. Later, she also informs that she will be assessing them genuinely and without any bias.

Monday 9  May  2022

episode 282

Bihaan and Thapki quarrel in the room as he is angry with her for telling the lies and hiding the truth from him. Later, Thapki and Bihaan had a big fight in the marketplace as Bihaan chooses the wrong ways to buy things while Thapki stays honest.

 episode 283

Bihaan continues to be angry with Thapki and leaves the house, knowing Thapki will carry out the puja. Shraddha conspires against Thapki and heats up Thapki’s lamp. Later, Shraddha falls into her own trap and Thapki and Bihaan carry out the puja.

Tuesday 10  May 2022

episode 284

On the 1st day of Navaratri, Shraddha gets furious after Thapki wins praise for doing the aarti with two lamps. The next day, Vasundhara gives the task of managing small kids without hesitation and anger to Thapki and Shraddha.

 episode 285

Thapki handles the children well and performs better than Shraddha in their ongoing competition. Later though, Thapki and Bihaan are dumbstruck when one of the kids picks up Bihaan’s loaded gun.

Wednesday 11 May 2022

episode 286

Vasundhara narrowly escapes being shot by the little girl after Thapki’s alertness and presence of mind prevents an ugly accident. Later, Bihaan gets a dressing down from Thapki for his carelessness.

 episode 287

Vasundhara hands over the idol to Thapki as a reward for her victory. However, she also admonishes Shraddha when she tries to oppose her decision. A fuming Shraddha, later glues together the zip of the dress Tapki was supposed wear for the pooja.

Thursday 12 May  2022

episode 288

Diwakar is paid a visit by a government official who wants him to evacuate his house. Also, Thapki cleverly completes the task given to her and Shraddha by Vasundhara, but rats play spoilsport.

episode 289

Shraddha raves at a beggar who refuses her offerings and says that she comes only seeking food. She also talks about her children who are starving. Shraddha tries to send her out while Thapki stops her and offers her some wheat and consoles her.

Friday 13  May  2022

episode 290

Vasundhara sets a task for Shraddha and Thapki. In order to defeat Thapki in the best bahu competition, Shraddha plans to get her killed in a so-called accident.

 episode 291

Vansundhara apologises to Thapki for her biased perception and gives her the task of praying to the Mata idol. During pooja, Thapki saves her life from the falling Idol by risking her own. Diwakar is pranked by Aditi, when he tries to sell the house.

Monday 16  May 2022

episode 292

Shraddha starts to lose it after Vasu sides with Thapki and she seeks Bihaan’s help in foiling Thapki’s name. Later, Vasu gives Thapki the responsibility of reciting the Durga Chalisa in the evening.

 episode 293

Shraddha is upset when Vasundhara comments on Shraddha’s recital of the Durga Chalisa and swears to make her deaf. She also locks up Thapki to make sure Thapki does not impress the guests with her chanting.

Tuesday 17  May  2022

episode 294

Shraddha is hell bent on hurting Vasundhara and she plans to replace her phone’s battery with a faulty one, which is liable to explode. Can Thapki foil another one of Shraddha’s evil schemes?

 episode 295

Vasundhara refuses to believe Thapki when she insists that Shraddha is looking for ways to harm her. Thapki promises to lay the truth bare and asks for 24 hours. Later, Bihaan abandons Thapki in a deserted place.

Wednesday 18  May 2022

episode 296

While Dhruv and Shraddha hope to nurture their relationship, Thapki plays a trick on Shraddha. In her attempt to get back at Thapki, Shraddha mistakenly reveals her motives in front of Vasundhara, who gives Shraddha a piece of her mind.

 episode 297

Shraddha faints when Vasundara tries to throw her out of the house and plans on exposing what she did. The doctor upon checking her, reveals that she is pregnant. Later, Bihaan and Thapki have a moment after he saves her from a falling cupboard.

Thursday 19  May 2022

episode 298

Shraddha stages her pregnancy to get closer to Dhruv. She lies to Vasundhara about her doctor’s appointment as well. Thapki and Bihaan are arguing when Vasundhara asks Bihaan to stop troubling Thapki.

 episode 299

Bihaan attempt’s to irritate Thapki by getting a DVD of obscene content, but it gets exchanged with a devotional DVD. Later, Thapki is suspicious about Shraddha’s pregnancy diet and confronts her.

Friday 20  May  2022

episode 300

Shraddha makes the couples in the family play a game together, thereby pairing up Thapki and Bihaan. Dhruv gets angry seeing Thapki and Bihaan together after which, he battles his own conscience regarding his feelings for Thapki.

 episode 301

A suspicious Thapki gets a doctor to get Shraddha another pregnancy test. Shraddha, even though hesitant, caves into it and anxiously waits for the test results to be delivered.

Monday 23  May  2022

episode 302

Shraddha loses the report while trying to distract Thapki from it. Later, Bihaan unknowingly turns the report into a paper plane and throws it. Will Thapki find the report before Shraddha and find the truth of her pregnancy?

 episode 303

The whole family encourages Shraddha to eat more food and gain weight for the baby. Thapki tries to apologize to Bihaan through drawings. But, he gets agitated and throws a vase down, comparing its irreparable broken shards to his broken heart.

Tuesday 24  May  2022

episode 304

Thapki inches closer to knowing the truth about Shraddha”s pregnancy. She spies on Shraddha but the latter is clever enough to mislead her. Bihaan dances with Thapki but despite that, he refuses to be soft on her.

 episode 305

Shraddha tries to frame Thapki by swapping the milk she prepared with white paint. However, Bihaan accuses Shraddha of committing the heinous act and he also doubts if she is actually pregnant. Will Bihaan be able to prove anything?

Wednesday 25  May 2022

episode 306

Thapki and Bihaan argue over Shraddha’s pregnancy. While going through a book that he had given to Thapki, Dhruv finds a sketch in it. Baffled, Dhruv confronts Thapki about the sketch. Will this sketch uncover the ugly truth behind his marriage?

 episode 307

Dadi asks Bihaan and Thapki to get some mangoes from Mr. Singh’s house. But they get the wrong address and end up being trapped in a cold storage unit. As the temperatures plummet, both of them cling to each other to stay warm. Will they make it?

Thursday 26  May  2022

episode 308

Balvinder advises Bihaan to stop being stubborn and forget all his differences with Thapki. Yet, Bihaan is adamant on not being soft. Following the family’s advice, Thapki prepares a grand gesture of apology to Bihaan. Will it make any difference?

 episode 309

A terrible and chaotic scene takes place when Bihaan’s attitude towards Thapki refuses to change. Bihaan’s father too loses his temper and an ugly war of words ensues between father and son. The family is aghast at this new development.

Friday 27  May 2022

episode 310

Balvinder is advised by his mother to talk to Bihaan in a compassionate manner. However, the knife in Bihaan’s hand ends up injuring his father. He is taken to the hospital and when the police come to take Bihaan away, he refuses to surrender.

 episode 311

After trying to stab his father, Bihaan tries to break into the hospital to meet him. Meanwhile, the doctor announces that Bauji is alive but in a state of coma. Later, Bihaan is taken into police custody. Will Bihaan prove his innocence?

Monday 30  May 2022

episode 312

Vasundhara is extremely angry at Bihaan and throws his belongings out of the house. However, Bihaan returns home and Vasundhara wonders about who bailed him out. Thapki shocks everyone when she reveals that Bihaan’s release was her doing.

 episode 313

Thapki defends Bihaan and urges that he didn’t attack Bauji. Vasundhara declares that all ties with Bihaan and Thapki are broken because of his actions. Later, Bihaan tries to take his own life with a gun.

Tuesday 31 May  2022

episode 314

Thapki is on a mission to unravel the story behind Balvinder’s injury. She wants to prove Bihaan’s innocence but he fails to cooperate with her. Later, Thapki is asked to stay away from her father in law by an angry Vasundhara.

 episode 315

A stranger lurks in the shadows, waiting to pounce on a chance to kill Balvinder. Driven by an instinct, Bihaan rushes to the hospital and arrives in time to save his father, but his family is still dead set against him and resolved to press charges.

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