Category: UPDATE
Friday Update on Promised Love 5th March 2021
Azaan thanking Shayra for coming in this world and also in his life. He shows garlic bread, noodles and pizza for her. Shayra says today she is very h [...]
Thursday Update on Cost of Love 4th March 2021
Vikram and Richa taking wedding rounds. Ahaan makes promises to Pankti. He says I will get your freedom so that you can fly high. She recalls JD’s wor [...]
Thursday Update on Complicated Love 4th March 2021
Mishti continue her struggles against the goon.
Back at home, Pari restlessly walked across the room. Ansh tries Rohan’s number. Sukhmani pulls Par [...]
Thursday Update on Promised Love 4th March 2021
Azaan coming to Shayra’s room and closes the door so that nobody disturb them. He asks her to have popcorn and says it is good. Shayra says I will eat [...]
Wednesday Update on Cost of Love 3rd March 2021
Pankti saying I can’t take this. He asks because this is second hand and has stains. She says one who has stains on herself, what will she see stains [...]
Wednesday Update on Promised Love 3rd March 2021
Surayya and Noor having an argument. Surayya says I shouldn’t have trusted you. Noor tells that she wouldn’t have listened to her and says Azaan got u [...]
Tuesday Update on Cost of Love 2nd March 2021
Ahaan saying I left your hand. Pankti goes. Anita asks why did you shout. Aparna asks are you fine. Pankti says yes, there was a horrible fat lizard i [...]
Wednesday Update on Complicated Love 3rd March 2021
It was morning. Arnav turns to leave for office. Tani wish him good morning, but Arnav was annoyed. Tani says it’s just eight thirty. Arnav was angry [...]
Tuesday Update on Promised Love 2nd March 2021
Noor seeing Razia and gets shocked. She says badi ammi….Razia asks her to call begum sahiba and says you lost right to call me badi ammi. She says you [...]
Monday Update on Cost of Love 1st March 2021
Sheetal asking how can this happen. Sheetal gets upset when the lady taunts her. Anita says my fan gifted this, I have many fans, this is old gift, yo [...]