Monday Update on To Die For Love 21st June 2021


Monday Update on To Die For Love 21st June 2021

Deep comes to murder place and says to constable that I am forensic expert I am sent from Dehli to collect evidence here. They let him.
Laksh says you actually don’t remember you said about this police dog thing? She says I was with deep two days ago. I was trying to take him to restaurant. Enough of your questions. Please stop the car. He says I wont’ ask anymore but I will show you. They walk in the jungle. She says where are you taking me?
Deep replaces the knife.
Arohi trips. She sees Deep. She says that man looks like Deep what is he doing here. Arohi gets up. Deep leaves from there.
They come to the murder venue. Arohi screams. Laksh says did someone come from Shimla? Constable says no forensic expert came though. Laksh says why are
you crying? She says why have you brought me here? Let me go home please. I can’t see this murder. He asks constable to drops her home. Laksh says why she behaves so different each time.
Prithvi tries to open the door behind library. Sanaya is there. He says are you spying on me? SHe says you pay me doesn’t mean we won’t walk. He says go from here. He goes to Tara’s room.
Deep comes to the house and hides evidence.
Arohi is coming home too. She sees Deep. He says Arohi you.. He has evidence in hand. Deep hugs her and slides knife in her bag. He says thank God you came. I came here due to emergency at work. I would get bankrupted. She says nothing is so important that you left your wife alone in an unknown city. He says I am sorry you were asleep. She says not so asleep that I wont wake up. he says I didn’t get time. She says but you had time to have lunch with Laksh? He says where you met her? What was he saying. She says you don’t care how I got home. He says I really worry for you. I am sorry I didn’t want to disturb you.

He says what questions was Laksh asking? Deep says I was with inspector asking what was he doing in hotel. We booked it yet he was there. then I got the call. The knife falls from her bag.. She says where did it come in my bag? I dont know it. It has blood too. its not mine. I saw you where murder happened. He says I was with client. And this knife maybe inspector laksh placed it in your bag. She says why would he do that? Arohi says he took me to a murder site. There was blood everywhere. Deep says he is trying to get you stuck in something. Their case would be stuck so they want to sacrifice yoou. Don’t worry I will handle everything. He once arrested you before as well for no reason.
Deep comes to Tara’s room in anger. He sees her meds full He says you didn’t eat meds. I am doing all this for you and you keep increasing problems. She says I did this for you. You want to get arohi stuck. You had to leave arohi’s marks near the dead body and she would get stuck.
Arohi tells Maya that Deep came here. She says its weird. maya says he didn’t tell me. He doesn’t share problems. Arohi says he should share it with us. I should talk to him.
Sanay tells Sushant that Prithvi was talking about that madam again. She says I am so scared. They are going to do a big sin. We have to get out of this. I wont be part of this sin. He says relax don’t worry about arohi. We don’t know her. We shouldn’t care. We want out money. I am with you. I love you a lot. He is about to kiss her. Arohi comes there. She is dazed. Arohi says what was this? You both were kissing? You are siblings. Are you mad? Sanaya says he is your brother. What is this. This is wrong. Sushant please explain. Don’t you have any shame. Sushant says its not like that. SAnaya says please listen.. Arohi says how will deep react.
Sanaya says she will tell Deep. He will kill us. I can’t do this anymore. Please lets go from here. He says relax. Let me think.
Arohi comes to room in shock and says this is all so weird. What is happening. I can’t believe.. Sushant and Sanay. How will Deep react to this? This is very sensitive. Deep says Arohi was in Kasol and she was with Laksh. You can get our game ruined. Tara says don’t scold me please. She hugs him. She says you are so nice. He says you need doctor. Arohi calls him. He says what.. He leaves.
Arohi says you wont talk to them please. They are kids please.. Deep goes to their rooms in anger and slaps Sushant. Arohi says please open the door.
Deep says I pay you idiot. You couldn’t do anything. He slaps him. Arohi says deep please open the door. Sanaya opens the door. Arohi says please stop deep.

Laksh gets the ash tray checked. He says it was replaced. Laksh gets to know about the fake forensic person. He says why you idiots let him in with authorization. He changed my evidence too. Laksh says this evidence
is replaced. Check whose finger prints are on it.
Deep slaps sushant and says its a sin. Now you would say Arohi is lying. Sushant says yes she is lying. Deep says Arohi never lies. Sushant says she is lying. Deep slaps him again. Arohi says don’t lie Sushant. We are stopping you because its a sin. Sanaya says wont do this again. Deep says pick your stuff and get out of here Sushant. They can’t live together.. He can only come back when he realizes his sin. Sushant packs his stuff and leaves. Deep says to Maya don’t you kknow what your kids. He leaves in anger.
The doctor says the finger prints are of Arohi Kashap. Laksh says are you sure? Then whose finger prints were before? Deep wanted to save her no? What is going on here.
Arohi says what is happening in this house/. Sanaya comes to Arohi and says I want to talk to you. You are not seeing two sides. Maybe what you think is wrong is not wrong. Arohi says what are you trying to. Sanaya says you can’t understand.
Deep is taking Tara to doctor. She says I don’t like doctors please don’t take me to him. He hugs her. Sanaya sees them. She comes back to Arohi and says I want to talk to you. Arohi says what is wrong with you? Sanaya says I can’t explain you. Your husband deep.. I saw him with another woman. He is fooling you. Arohi says shame on you dont blame your brother. i caught you and that is why you are mad at Deep. He is your brother. Sanaya says I am telling you what I saw. She was hugging him. You are being fooled. Arohi says I don’t wanna hear a word. Prithvi comes and says what is going on. He takes sanaya with him.
Maya says what did Sanaya say? Arohi says she said Deep is cheating on me. She is in tears. She said I shouldn’t have my eyes closed. Go says go to your room and rest. She is crazy.
Prithvi says to Sanaya you won’t say a word to anyone. You can’t step out of this room till deep comes back or I will kill you. She calls Sushant. His phone is off.
Prithvi calls Deep and tells him everything.
SAnaya calls Sushant. He says I can’t hear you. There is no network i will call you back. She says I need to go from here. She sneaks out of window. She is running from the house. Deep and Tara come in. Sanaya sees them she is shocked. She says I just saw Arohi in her dress and room. This can’t be arohi.
Sanaya follows them. Deep says Tara you heard what doctor said. You will eat meds. So you don’t murder anymore.