Monday Update on True Love 12th October 2020


Monday Update on True Love 12th October 2020

Mukku questions doc on whose permission did he shift Vishnu in this room. Doc takes her name which shocks all three of them. He tells them that it was Mukta only who had requested him to stop Vishnu’s life support system. Rathore wants a proof. Doc shows the consent papers to Rathore. Mukta is Vishnu’s wife. If she signs on these papers then we will have to take action accordingly only. Rathore and Tappu ask Mukku as to why she signed on these papers. Mukku tells them that Nani made her sign these papers by crook. She looks quite angry.

Meethi and Akash are at the hospital. They are relieved that they brought Krishna here on time. They are about to go when nurse brings Krishna and gives him to Meethi. The couple are taken aback that the nurse mistook them as the baby’s parents. The baby is crying but immediately calms down when Meethi tries to do so. They are pleasantly surprised at the changes in his behaviour. Baby’s real parents come and scold the nurse for handing over their baby to anyone. Nurse apologizes to them. Meethi is not ready to let go of the baby but Akash sweetly makes her understand. She keeps looking at the couple and the baby as they leave. Akash lightly shakes her out of it. They both head home.

Nani is pacing worriedly in her room. Whenever I try to do something good for anyone in this house then things turn against me. no one here has ever tried to understand me. Mukku walks in and is holding the consent papers. She questions Nani on her lie. You thought to distance my Vishnu from me? Nani has no qualms over it. What else should I do? I cannot see you in pain like this.

You are going to be a mom. You don’t worry about yourself but are always looking after that Vishnu even when the doctors have given up. I did it after much thought. I dint do anything for myself but for you. Rathore, Tappu and Jogi come there. Tappu asks her if she even tried to ask Mukku once what she wants. How can you make a decision regarding my daughter’s life? Rathore speaks up. When an outsider tries to harm my family then I am all after them and consider them my enemy. You are an elder of my own family.

Don’t get scared as I wont say anything to you. Thakur Sahab is here to talk to you. I only want to tell you that did you give it a thought if the person for whom you are doing this would want to see your face after she gets to know your reality? Nani looks shocked. Mukku wants to bring Vishnu home right now. Rathore tells her to think one more time as he will be taken good care of in hospital. She is adamant so he agrees and hugs her so as to comfort her. tappu tells Nani that she scared them. Vishnu was in hospital and you took such a big decision. Don’t know what you will do when he will be home. Nani points that she dint do anything wrong. I have no animosity with you or Mukku. I only did what was right and true. I have only shown the courage to accept the truth.

She asks Jogi’s opinion. Truth is bitter but we will have to accept it. Someone will have to think of Mukta’s baby’s future. Jogi replies that she tried to snatch someone’s present by thinking about their future. Your thinking is too shallow / cheap. You have made many mistakes till now but this is a crime for which there is no forgiveness. I am minding your age or I would have thrown you out of this house long back. Vishnu will be here on my responsibility. If anything happens to him while he is here then I will be the first one to point finger at you. He tells Rathore to bring Vishnu.

Meethi looks lost as she sits before the dressing table. She is touching her belly and recalls the hospital incident. Akash finds her thus and looks worried too. She tells him that she feels very empty. He goes out of the room while she is in tears as she thinks about her loss. Why did you (baby) leave us?

Akash comes downstairs. He looks at the temple and a chant plays. He goes there and talks to the Shivling. Why did you do it? what’s my Meethi’s fault in this? Cant you see her pain, her tears, the emptiness that she feels inside her? She always used to light a lamp for you and you filled her life with darkness. Why did you do it? He decides to blow the lamp as he doesn’t deserve this light. He is about to blow it off but Maiyya holds his hand in time. What were you doing? He tells her that the darkness in his life is because of this God.

He too doesn’t deserve this light in his temple. She asks him if he will blow off all the lamps in the world. It isn’t his fault. We get paid for our karma’s, if not yours then it will surely be due to my karma’s. He is God. If he gives a problem then he gives solutions too. Keep faith maybe there will be a miracle and your life will be all lit up again. He has lost his trust. How would you know what it feels to lose a child? She says if he is the only intelligent person to understand each and everything. Remember I used to tell you Devki Maiyya’s story when you were a kid. She repeats the story and gives him hope.

Think about her loss of losing 7 babies whereas Meethi has lost one baby. Devki Maiyya’s eight baby (Krishna) spread knowledge on earth. Compare their losses. Akash realises his mistake. My pain is nothing in comparison to her. She encourages him to have faith. You both are young your whole life is in front of you. Our heir will certainly come. He nods and holds the lamp as it was about to blow off due to wind. She tells him to add oil in the lamp and it will be steady. He folds his hand in apology. I will never lose my faith in you again. Maiyya tells him to go to Meethi. God will surely bless you with a baby.

Akash comes to his room and lies down beside Meethi on the bed. She turns to look at him and so does he. He touches her belly and she keeps a hand over his hand. I haven’t slept since so many nights. I want to sleep peacefully tonight. Meethi nods and caresses his head. He sleeps while she is still wide awake. CONTINUE READING NEXT PAGE 2 BELOW


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