Everyone is shocked hearing what Pavitra said. D.S and his family get up angrily. Your daughter is expecting? Pavitra realises she goofed up things. D.S charges at Agarth. You are certainly big people but not so big that we will bear the sin of your daughter (sheeshh people talk so cheap at times….slap!). nirbhay gets angry hearing his remark but Agarth stops him. He tries to speak to D.S but is cut off. Nothing needs to be said or heard. It was fine with us that it will be her second marriage but we wont give the child our name. I wont forget this insult ever. He and his family leave angrily. Agarth is helpless. Nirbhay charges at Pavitra who leaves crying. Maiyya comments till when we can hide the truth. Till the child is inside her womb there is no future. No future of the poor girl. She looks at Agarth who is busy thinking her words.
Vishnu comes to the kitchen. He is looking around for Mukku. He is tensed she called me here only but no one is here. God, hope she dint feel bad. No one can save you today Vishnu!
Just then, Tappu comes to talk to Vishnu (this is called a bad coincidence someone take her back to her room please). She notices the mess he has made on the floor. She starts picking the papers (hey did no one tell you not to read someone’s personal stuff ). She reads one which says…I love! She picks another.
Vishnu is praying so that Mukku doesn’t bring her dad over to beat him (lol ). Mukku arrives just then and smiles looking at him. She makes a straight face and coughs to get his attention. He turns alarmed. She asks him about the mail. He gets blank…mail? She reminds him which he just sent. She turns and smiles but then again puts on a stern face. He again is scared I am gone today. He feigns innocence about the mail. She stares at him (lol…why are you scaring him poor Vishnu)
Scene shifts to Tappu who starts reading what’s written on the paper. Our destiny wanted us to meet but we couldn’t meet back then. I am wondering if again we get distanced while coming closer. She picks up another and the same thing is written on that as well. She wonders who he wrote this letter for (Stop being pokey :/).
Back to kitchen, Mukku says you sent it and yet you are asking me about it. What did you write in it? He fumbles for an answer.
Tappu is re-reading the letter. I love you is written on the end. Her gaze accidentally (WHY) lands on the laptop screen which shows the doc sent by Vishnu – V <3 M.
Mukku asks him about the same while reiterating it. He asks her if she felt bad. She declines but then corrects herself. Obviously felt bad would I dance then? (he he this is the truth ) He again fumbles….I was writing it to someone else sent you by mistake. She asks for real? He stands speechless.
Tappu wonders who that M is (your daughter too has a name ahh forget it Rathore was right you don’t remember your daughter like Meethi now). She connects some past instances – when Vishnu had offered to do anything necessary for Meehti; another where he had held Akash by the collar telling him to go away as he cheated his teacher didi’s family. The realization (BAM) dawns on her (I want to scream). Meethi! Vishnu loves Meethi! (Dream on) She reads the letter again (as if the words will change :/). She gets super happy. This means he too has the same thought which I do (not everyone is stuck on just one thing dumbo). Vishnu has feelings for Meethi. She looks at the papers and laptop screen (like a…..fill in the blank).
Vishnu apologizes I sent you by mistake. Please don’t be angry and don’t tell anyone. He literally runs off from there and Mukku breaks into splits of laughter. She says would I not understand this much – Vishnu loves Mukta? And we see a split screen with Tappu (saying Vishnu loves Meethi) and Mukku.
Ekadish tells Nirbhay not to scold Pavitra anymore as she is elder to him. Anyone can make mistakes. Pavitra seeks his apology and is ready for punishment….whatever he says. Agarth has decided to go to Mumbai all by himself to talk to Kanha. I will beg him to take Surabhi back. After all, the child is his. No one likes the idea except Kajri. Nirbhay questions his dad if they don’t have any respect (ummmm No). His dad tells him to use his brains (he doesn’t have one oops). Nirbhay suggests kidnapping Kanha….will do by force. Ekadish counters. Nirbhay says enough (infuriating Agrath). I heard enough of what the elders said. Now only that will happen which I say. Surabhi is shown
coming downstairs. He announces he will get the child aborted and will get her married to a nice family. surabhi, Agarth and Kajri are shocked while Maiyya looks wicked. Surabhi negates him. I wont let you do this. Nirbhay asks what she will do then. You ruined half of your life for the sake of Maiyya’s revenge will you spend the rest in nurturing the enemy’s kid? (Ummm I’m confused are we on border :O).
Listen to me carefully, this is the child of our enemy it wont grow up here. Surabhi is in tears. Nirbhay tells Pavitra to take care of his sister there should be no mistake. I will arrange everything in 2 days. Kajri pleads him not to do this sin. This is someone else’s memento you all will be cursed for it. Ekadish taunts if she will keep the ledger of good / bad deeds of this home (tell me the good one). Be grateful that you are outside. She agrees with Nirbhay’s decision. I am responsible for all this then it is my responsibility that I lighten this burden of Surabhi. She tells Surabhi to abort the kid. We will marry you with pomp. Have trust on your elder aunt (what else was she doing till now aunt). Everything will be fine. Agarth and everyone look on intently.
Damini confirms with Tappu if she is telling the truth (1 plus 1=2 oh no). She shows the letter which she got by mistake. He is trying since so long to write it but is unable to. I cannot tell you how happy I am. I only want Meethi starts her new life with Vishnu….Iccha too wanted the same thing (she would want Meethi to be with her husband….sort out the problems and get back Tapasya Mata). Damini too affirms her point. She dint knew it was someone else in disguise. Meethi will agree / understand right? Tappu is sure she will. I will make her agree to it. Damini appreciates Vishnu. Hope Meethi agrees. They hug assuring each other.
Mukku is all smiles / shy recalling the <3 doc. She recalls Vishnu fumbling over it and how he had said scared it wasn’t for her. She happily says Vishnu loves Mukta and Mukta loves…covers her face out of shyness. She finally lies down to sleep.
Next morning, Vishnu joins everyone for breakfast. Jogi enquires about his departure. Vishnu affirms. Tappu asks him to stay for a few more days. Damini too insists. He cites some important work. Tappu tells Meethi to tell her friend something. Before she says anything Akash comes bringing in more breakfast. Looking at him she too asks Vishnu to stay back. Akash looks at her and she too looks at him. Vishnu again speaks of office work. Tappu notices Akash standing there. Meethi offers to go shopping.
You will take me to shopping right (intentionally)? Tappu too supports Meethi. Akash smiles. Mukku joins them for breakfast. Tappu asks her to go along with Meethi & Vishnu. She agrees. Akash is about to go back when Mukku asks him to come along with them. Tappu asks for reason. mukku says we would need someone to hold the shopping bags too. Tappu tries to avert but Meethi asks her to let him come. He too must know what his place in this house is. Damini and Tappu exchange a worried glance. Akash nods which irks Meethi all the more.
They all come to have food in a mall. Vishnu compliments the food. They all sit though Akash sits away from them. Mukku tries to make him sit along with them but he declines. Vishnu asks from Meethi what she wants to order making Mukku react (a little). She intentionally asks him to order to his liking. Akash understands it. Vishnu asks Mukku if he can order for her according to his liking as well. She says would like to see what you like. Please order the same for Akash ji. Akash smiles. The waiter takes the order. Akash tells him not to add spice in the food for the lady in blue suit. She doesn’t like chilly as she herself is chilly. Meethi listens to it.
Few random guys enter ordering the manager to serve them food. They throw one of the shopping bags at Akash. The same guy (he looks so cheap eww) stares at Mukku first and then at Meethi. The food is served Vishnu compliments the parathas. The guy shifts his place with one of his friend. He calls cheap words while staring at Meethi but then says its for parathas. Akash closes his eyes in anger. The guy continues talking cheesy (you will surely get beaten my boy)…..he calls her chilly and meethi (sweet) too.
He puts all that on the curry. Akash starts saying bad things (not cheap). The guy and his friends get up. Akash points out that there is a small stone in the curry. The guy boasts he has come to be beaten by my today. Vishnu speaks up now with a few bad stuff (calling him a goon, loafer ). Vishnu gets up and says I am talking about you. The guy is about to punch Vishnu when Akash holds his fist (yo the action hero he is after all
). A chant plays as both the ladies get up from their seats.