Tag: Update
Thursday Update on True Love 20 February 2020
Akash tells that he will clear all the exams of life but I will bring her back for sure. I wont give up now. Kajri and Sankrant smile. Sankrant tells [...]
Thursday Update on This is Love 20 February 2020
Mrs. Bhalla saying Amma is taking all of us to temple in the morning, I will prepare dinner for everyone, you can say your fav things. They all laugh. [...]
Thursday Update on Young Love 20 February 2020
Daddu asking Anandi to stay in Jaitsar as they are going to Singapore. Later Ira tells Anandi to take care of Shivam. Meenu tells her to tell Shivam a [...]
Wednesday Update on True Love 19 February 2020
Maiyya tells Akash to bring back Meethi, his happiness, back. Agarth and Sankrant are happy. Akash tells Maiyya, but that Meethi looks exactly like Ic [...]
Tuesday Update on True Love 18 February 2020
Maiyya asks Surabhi to go upstairs. Akash stands between Kanha and Nirbhay and asks Nirbhay to let him go. Akash apologizes Kanha for his brother’s mi [...]
Tuesday Update on This is Love 18 February 2020
Karan telling Raman that their plan is on. Raman asks Vishal to give him some time, he will trap Sahil. He says promise me that you will surrender. Vi [...]
Tuesday Update on Young Love 18 February 2020
Ganga calling the patients’ relatives. Jagya tells them that operation is successful. They say they are thankful to the doctor who perfomed the operat [...]
Monday Update on True Love 17 February 2020
Break this relation which is anyhow a burden for you. Let the fake identity of it dissolve. This isn’t the time to fall weak. You must stand strong no [...]
Monday Update on This is Love 17 February 2020
Raman saying we aren’t going to cremation ground, Sahil is keeping an eye on you, I feel Vishal is acting weird, he was saying if Raman uncle meets me [...]
Monday Update on Young Love 17 February 2020
The turban man Akhira Singh asking his wife to take kundan with her and he will get pooja there. Sarita takes Pooja from there. He says I am not Akhir [...]