Thursday Update June 14 on This is Love Glow Tv

Thursday Update on This is Love Glow Tv

June 14

Raman and Ishita getting Pihu home. Pihu scolds Ishita. Mrs. Bhalla tells Pihu that Neelu made popcorn, we will watch serial, come. Pihu refuses to watch serial and goes to her room. Ishita looks on. Mrs. Bhalla says Pihu never reacted this way. Raman says give some time to her, she maybe missing Shagun, Ishita planned Hong kong’s trip, hope that makes things fine. Mihika likes the idea. Mrs. Bhalla worries for Pihu and tells Raman that she wants her old Pihu. He asks her to just give some time to Pihu. Ishita worries. Mani gives coffee to Shagun.

She thanks him for support, and says I came as your companion and I have put on much stress on you. He says you have sent Pihu, I really admire you for that, you are a very strong woman. She says living without Pihu

is going to be difficult to me. He says we can go out, if you want, for a change. She says I wanted to tell you something. He says we are life partners, we should share things. She says if you don’t mind, can we stay in different rooms, till we get comfortable to stay together.

He says sure, I understand, I don’t want to rush on anything, you can stay here, I will stay in guest room. He says I don’t want to disturb you, I will sleep in guest room. He says very well, if you are comfortable. She says thanks, now I understand why Aaliya calls you Appa. He says I will make your room ready. He goes. She thinks if Mani is with me, it will be good to get Pihu.

Ishita recalls Pihu’s words and worries. Raman comes and finds her depressed. He thinks what to do and acts of tooth pain. Ishita asks him to sit and checks. She says its old problem, you don’t brush at night. He asks did you hear about tigers brushing teeth. She asks did you hear tigers eating sweets at night. He asks what do doctors say. She says you should brush twice a day. He looks at her and smiles. She asks why are you smiling, you did not had toothache, this is not fair. He holds her and says its fair when you are happy, I get happy seeing you. Yeh hai mohabbatein………….plays………….He holds her and they have a talk. She smiles.

Its morning, Mihika wakes up and sees Romi chatting and smiling. He asks her not to make breakfast, he has to leave early. She asks why, do you have meeting. He say Bunty’s life has some problems, he wanted to talk to me, I was thinking to have breakfast with him. She says fine and goes to washroom. Romi gets the girl’s call and says we will meet at same café, I will end my meeting and come there. He tells Mihika that he will leave now. He leaves. She says today I will catch him with that girl.

Aaliya tells Mani that she made breakfast for him and Shagun. Shagun comes and greets them. Mani asks did she sleep well, come and have breakfast. Shagun says I don’t eat breakfast early morning, I m missing Pihu, I will call her. She goes. Aaliya asks Mani why is Shagun staying in guest room. Mani says I understand her emotions, we are adults, we can’t adjust in one night, give some time to Shagun, we are mature, I m sure we will become good friends. Aaliya smiles.

Ishita talks to Pihu and tries to cheer her up. Pihu is angry and does not respond to her. Ishita says Pihu…. Pihu says just leave, I hate you, you are very bad, I won’t go on any trip with you, you are a bad aunty, my mumma left because of you, you got Papa, and elders on your side, just go. She throws pillows and says I hate you. She throws a photo frame that hurts Ishita’s forehead. Pihu says I don’t want to see your face, I hate you, leave. Ishita cries and leaves.

Mihika is at the café and meets the girl. They have a talk. The girl compliments Mihika’s skin. Mihika says its Amma’s remedies. She asks are you waiting for someone, your BF? She says guys are same, they never reach anywhere on time, when your BF comes, take his class, else he will not listen to you. The girl smiles and asks what do you do. Mihika says I m a housewife, I used to work as marketing manager in company before. The girl says it means you did MBA, you should do work. Romi comes and sees Mihika with the girl. He leaves and says Mihika is with the girl. He messages the girl. The girl tells Mihika that she has to go and meet her friend at some other place.

Raman asks Ishita what happened. Ishita cries and says she hates me. He gets shocked seeing her wound. Ishita says I ruined Pihu’s life, I thought I got a child, I m really a Baanch/infertile. Raman consoles her and says I m proud that you are my children’s mum, you are best mum. He hugs her. Pihu comes and asks Ishita to get away from Raman, why did she hug Raman. Raman and Ishita look at her.

Pihu makes Ishita away and says I came to say sorry to you, but you are very bad, why did you come to my Papa, my mumma left because of you, you made me away from mumma, you want to make me away from my Papa, I hate you, I know you have come to break your family. Raman asks who taught you all this. She says Ishita is bad, she made mumma leave, she wants to control our home, you know what Parvati’s mum calls such bad aunties. Raman slaps Pihu. Pihu cries and says my Papa slapped me for the first time, I hate you, go from here. Raman asks Pihu to go and takes her out. Ishita cries.

Adi telling Raman that he will talk to Pihu. Ishita cries and says I m a bad mother. Mrs. Bhalla and Simmi worry seeing her wound and console her. Ruhi looks on and cries. Mihika thinks why did Romi not come here, I will call Bunty, maybe he really went to meet Bunty. She gets Simmi’s call and asks what happened to Pihu, I m coming.

Aaliya likes the south Indian food made by Shagun and asks Mani to see. Shagun says it got much. Aaliya says so what, we will pack and take this to office. Mani says no, I will have food here, I won’t go office, we will have lunch together. Aaliya says I will message that I m not coming office. Shagun asks shall I call Mihir for lunch, he also loves south Indian food. Aaliya says I will call Mihir.

Doctor checks Pihu and

gives her injection. He asks how did she get hurt. Ruhi says by mistake. She recalls how she went to talk to Pihu. Pihu asks her why did she come to her, when she is with Ishita. She throws the glass and walks. She gets hurt by glass pieces. FB ends. Doctor says Pihu got aggressive, did anything happen, is she missing anyone, we have to monitor her for some days.

Ishita cries and feels guilty for Pihu’s state. She says I should give Pihu back to Shagun. She takes phone to call Shagun and says Pihu will be happy with Shagun. Raman comes and takes her phone. He says I knew you will do this, Shagun can’t become like you, you are best mum. She says I m worst mum, Pihu is hurt because of me, look at her state, I m not a good mum, she needs Shagun. Raman says listen to me, the mother who does not care for her life for the sake of children, that’s world’s best mother, you taught them living, Pihu is our daughter, we will explain her and bring her to right path, its parents duty. He hugs her. Yeh hai mohabbatein…………plays………….

Adi comes and gives Pihu’s medicines. He asks Ishita to check once. Ishita says its right. Raman says I will go and give medicines. He goes. She stops Adi and asks him to help. Shagun sees Pihu’s pic and worries for her. She misses Pihu and calls Raman.

Raman says if I tell Shagun for Pihu’s state, she will come and take her. He answers call and asks how is Mani, and your married life. She asks for Pihu. He says Pihu would be in school. She asks shall I pick her from school, I made her fav south Indian food, I will drop her home in evening. He says no, not today, we have our own plan today, we are going for movie, she will come to you tomorrow. She gets upset.

Adi asks Ishita do you want me to go to Shagun. Ishita says please go and get her, I know Raman will refuse for this, just make any excuse. Adi says Shagun kidnapped you, Papa will not like if we call her here. She asks him to see Pihu’s state, I have doubt on Shagun, but she loves Pihu, Pihu wants her mum, I want Shagun to come here.

Aaliya checks few dresses and thinks why I m excited if Mihir is coming. She chooses a dress. Mihir sits to have lunch. Aaliya comes there wearing an Indian dress. Mani compliments her. Shagun too compliments. Aaliya thinks Mihir did not compliment me, he is elder to me, he is not my type, even then I like to spend time with me, I worry for him, whats happening to me. Door bell rings. Mani asks Aaliya to go and check. Adi comes there. Shagun asks how is Pihu. He says she is fine, just come with me. She thinks Raman was lying to me. Mrs. Bhalla asks Neelu to get milk for Pihu. Simmi says I will make chocolate shake for Pihu and goes. Pihu asks for water. Raman and Ishita come there. Pihu reacts angrily and asks Ishita to go from their house. Raman asks Pihu not to talk like this. Pihu asks Raman to send Ishita, else she will beat her. Shagun comes and asks Pihu to stop it.

Pihu hugs Shagun and asks her not to go. Shagun says I won’t go. Simmi gets milkshake. Shagun feeds Pihu by her hands. Ishita says tell me if you want anything for Pihu. Pihu scolds her and asks her to leave. Shagun asks how are you talking. Pihu says we don’t need you, just go. Raman holds Ishita’s hand and takes her. Shagun looks at them. Ishita cries and says Pihu hates me. Shagun goes to them and says sorry, Pihu is behaving this way with you, I will talk to her. Raman thanks Shagun and goes with Ishita.

Raman asks Ishita not to be upset. She asks him to go. He tries to cheer her and says I know palm reading. He jokes on her and praises himself. She cries and says I m bad. He asks her to stop it, its not easy for me, Pihu is my daughter, I love both of you, I get hurt when you are hurt, I just don’t express, stop pitying on yourself, we were happy when you were my strength, when you fought for kids, how can you lose, how will I m manage them alone. She says sorry and hugs him. they cry. Yeh hai mohabbatein………..plays…………