17th June Monday Update on Young Love

Jagya giving the good news to Dadisaa that she has become a great grand mother. Dadisaa hugs him and gets emotionally happy. Jagya says, I was very scared and worried about Ganga. I felt like losing her. Sumitra says, God has helped us and everything is fine now. Stop your tears. Jagya says, yes. We have to welcome the happiness in our home. He asks Dadisaa to come to meet little Ladesar as he is in the incubator. Dadisaa says, no. First I want to meet his mother, who stood with strength and proved all doctors wrong. Jagya says, you can’t meet her now as she is very weak. She is not in a position to talk. Dadisaa says, I will see her. Bhairov asks Jagya to take dadisaa to Ganga. Jagya tells the gynaec that Dadisaa wishes to meet Ganga. Dadisaa thanks the gynaec for saving Ganga and her son. Dadisaa touches Ganga’s hand. Ganga opens her eyes and says you have won…..your wish to climb the golden stair have come true. Ganga says, my family’s blessings is with me. Dadisaa is emotional. Ganga asks for the baby. Jagya says, he is sleeping and asks Ganga to rest.

Sumitra informs Gehna that Ganga gave birth to a baby boy and both mother and son are fine. Bhairov calls Anandi, Sumitra informs Anandi about the good news. Anandi is very much happy and shares the good news with her family. Everyone smiles. Saachi is angry. Meenu says, they might be happy. Dadisaa tells Bhairov that Ganga seems weak but is very happy. Bhairov asks her to meet her great grand son. Dadisaa, Sumitra and Jagya comes to the baby who is in incubator. Dadisaa talks with the baby and says you might have come in this world with a purpose. She appreciates him and Ganga. She blesses the baby. Sumitra looks at the baby with happiness. Bhairov congrats Jagya. Jagya congrats him too. Nurse informs her that Ganga is shifted in the ward. Dadisaa asks, when will the baby be shifted to Ganga’s room. Jagya says, baby is very weak as he is born prematurely. Dadisaa says, baby needs a mother and mother’s touch blossoms baby’s health.

Jagya asks Dadisaa to go to Ganga. He looks at the baby with happiness. Baby looks at Jagya. Dadisaa, Jagya and Bhairov comes to Ganga. Dadisaa blesses her and praises her courage to fight for the baby. Sumitra says, I am blessed to have you as my bahu. Bhairov blesses her. Ganga asks, did you meet your great grand son. Dadisaa says yes and now you will meet him too. Jagya brings the baby. Ganga smiles. Sumitra, Bhairov and Dadisaa leaves. Jagya tells Ganga that the baby is smart and handsome like me. Ganga says, he is more handsome than you. Jagya says, I want him to have your qualities as well. Jagya kisses her on her forehead.

Anandi prepares halwa and serves it to everyone. Everyone are happy. Daddu says, this is unexpected bonus because of Ganga and Jagya’s baby. Meenu says, everyone was worried but everything is fine now. Ira says, Dadisaa must have been very much worried. Saachi is angry and recalls Ganga’s words. Ira asks her to eat. Saachi says it is hot. I will eat it later and take the halwa to her room. She throws the halwa and thinks how can Ganga be so lucky. She won Jagya’s family. Ganga got all the happiness in her life. Why God is so unfair to me? Anandi explains Amol to chew the food before swallowing. Shiv and Daddu smiles. Amol takes the first bite. Then drinks water. Anandi asks him not to drink much water in between the food. She asks him to finish the food first. She says, Amol is a good boy. Daddu says, he will get a chocolate for it. Daddu says, it seems in the orphanage they didn’t taught Amol to chew the food. Shiv doubts whether in the orphanage they gives chapati or not. Daddu says, as Anandi is the mother Amol will learn everything.

Ganga swinging the cradle and looking at the baby happily. She recalls Saachi’s cursing her and her baby. Ganga gets disturbed and calls Saachi who is sleeping peacefully. Saachi picks the call. Ganga asks Saachi to wake up before it is too late. She asks her to accept the truth. And says God has saved me. You have managed to deteriotes my health. Saachi asks, do you want to taunt me? Ganga says no. I called you as a friend. She gives her suggestion to let go of her anger. She says, I don’t want you to give answer anyone for your misdeeds. Jagya comes and overhears this. Ganga says, you had a good chance to change yourself, but you cursed me and my baby so that I shall die. Saachi asks Ganga to stop talking. CONTINUE READING NEXT PAGE 2 BELOW



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